Monday, November 15, 2010

My Way of Posting That is "Puzzeling"

This is the way I post. Follow, if you can, into a single piece of my mind. Other times it will make more sense. It all depends on my mood.

Life As We Know It
Second Post

Depression is that which may fill my soul. Yet how is it that joy fills my being and love, my heart? Neither doth though know nor mineself. For the morrow is coming and we are waking. Waiting, I am, to fall back into that lovely place. Better than life, amazing place. The world that I was in was so great. I woke with the happiest feeling and a longing to return. There was no sorrow, just pure understanding. That was all and nothing more. How wonderful that was. If only life itself could be as thou art. That is all I request of thee, dear tree of knowledge, give us a chance and let us be. No pain. No sorrow. No death that surrounds us so. Wherefore art thou come dearest life. Dear dream that swallows you and wraps you into its warm embrace until you no longer want to escape for fear of the cold that now surrounds you. Oh how lovely it would be. Amazing dream. Take me back. Take me back to your story-telling halls. Unknown yet known. Untold, yet foretold. How is it that these things go hand in hand. Sleep doth call and Ravens must answer. For their sweet, misunderstood song is set to fill the air early in the morrow. Before the crack of dawn, earlier than all the other birds, the Raven doth sound its alarm.

Note: This is just what I feel like writing. It isn't necessarily true to my feelings although often pieces of what I say are.

Monday, November 8, 2010

First Post

Well, this is my first post, so I might as well start out by saying hi. Hello! Now that that's out of the way, I'll tell you my purpose for creating this blog! I have created this blog after finding one of my friend's blogs for due to pure curiosity, the desire to share, and to help others. :D

I am a high school student on cross country and track! This is my first year of the great HS, so I'm a freshy. My awesome family is amazing! I have such great friends whom are also amazing. I have an undying love for owls, chameleons and basically all animals. AND last, but not least, I absolutely LOVE to write! My current book is 22,815 words, which basically means a lot of pages. Every 10,000 words is supposedly equal to fifty pages in a novel so YAY!

That would pretty much cover my first post, so bye! :D

~:> .,.